Greensmaster eFlex 1800/2100 Traction and Reel Drive SystemPage 3 -- 5
Transmission Belt Tensioner
The transmission pulleys are driven by a multi--ribbed
belt that is tensioned with a spring loaded idler assem-
bly. If the transmission belt tensionneeds to be engaged
or disengaged, follow the following procedure:
1. Parkmachineonlevelsurface.Turnkeyswitchtothe
OFF position and remove key from the switch. Discon-
nect the battery pack (see Battery Pack Connection in
this section).
2. Locate the transmission engage/disengage shaft on
the inside of the transmission next to the battery pack
(Fig. 3).
Be careful when rotating the transmission en-
gage/disengage lever. The lever is spring loaded
and may cause personal injury.
3. To disengage the spring loaded idler from the trans-
mission drive belt, use a 3/8” wrench to rotate the en-
gage/disengage shaft 1/4 turn clockwise.
4. To engage the idler into the transmission drive belt,
use a 3/8” wrench to rotate the engage/disengage shaft
1/4 turn counter--clockwise. The transmission belt is
properly tensioned when the alignment marks on theen-
gage/disengage shaft and the transmission cover are
aligned (Fig. 4).
5. Connectthe battery pack(see Battery Pack Connec-
tion in this section).
1. Transmission
2. Engage/disengage shaft
3. Battery pack
Figure 3
1. Engage/disengage shaft
2. Alignment mark
3. Cover alignment mark
Figure 4
Traction and Reel
Drive System