Groundsmaster 4100--DHydraulic System Page 4 -- 60
Adjust Cutting Deck Flow Control Valve
The cutting deck lift circuit is equipped with an adjust-
able flow control valve used to adjust the rate at which
the cutting deck lowers. The control valve is located un-
der the front platform.
Adjust flow control v alve as follows:
1. Runmachine togethydraulic oil atoperating temper-
atures. Park machine on a level surface, shut engine off
and lower cutting deck to the ground.
2. Locate valve under front of machine (Fig. 46).
3. Loosen set screw on valve and rotate valve clock-
wise to slow drop rate of cutting deck.
4. Verify adjustment by raising and lowering cutting
deck several times. Readjust as required.
5. After desired drop rate is attained, tighten set screw
on flow control valve to secure adjustment.
1. Cutting deck lift flow control valve
2. Front deck hydraulic manifold
Figure 46