
who was looking for a closer cut. Fossey is
the superintendent at Troy Burne Golf
Club in Hudson, Wisconsin, a new course
with very undulating greens.
“We were having a lot of problems get-
ting good quality cuts on our greens,” he
explains, “because they’re brand new
greens on 100% pure sand base. We just
couldn’t get a mower to cut short enough
for us without damaging or scalping the
grass. They built them with some big rolls
through the middle, and some pretty
severe dips.”
Fossey made calls to find out if some-
one could provide an answer to his prob-
lems. He met with a Toro representative,
who told him about the new Flex 21
mower, which was then still at the
prototype stage.
“We ended up being a test facility,”
Fossey explains. “We actually ran the pro-
totypes on that machine. We helped Toro
in the fine-tuning process.”
At the end of the testing period, Fossey
bought the club their own Flex 21s.
High Praise
“It is the best walking greens mower I
have ever used,” Fossey adds, “and I’ve
been in the business for twenty years and
used a lot of different ones. If someone is
going to walk mow, this is what they
should walk mow with!”
Other superintendents have had similar
great things to say about the Flex 21. In
addition to excellent close-cutting without
scalping, they’re pleased with the
machine’s improved operating and main-
tenance features.
All controls are easily reachable from
the operator position. The clutch and reel
engage from hand controls. The reel
clutch and the traction clutch have been
incorporated into a single multi-function
control lever and all controls have been
assimilated into the gearbox.
Technicians appreciate the Flex 21’s ease
of maintenance. No grease zerks means it
never has to be greased, and will keep
grease off your greens. All you really need
to check are the height of cut and bed-
knife adjustments. The Flex 21 has an
exclusive bedbar geometry that keeps the
bedknife aligned for the life of the mower.
When the reel wears, the bedbar geometry
remains constant to maintain a consistent-
ly aggressive, even cut with minimized
The Flex 21 was also designed for easy
removal of the cutting unit. Simply take
out two bolts, and the cutting unit comes
off quickly for grinding or replacement.
Golfers will notice the Flex 21 too,
because it gives them a good-playing
green with faster, more predictable ball
“I’ve had several people call and ask me
if I’d recommend a Flex 21,” says Fossey,
“and I tell them I recommend it 150%.”
“There is nothing else out there like the
Flex 21,” agrees Mitchell Wilkerson. “I
have total confidence in it.”
Moss Creek Country Club, Hilton Head, South Carolina, is
a 36-hole golf course with very distinctive architecture.
The Toro
21 mower was a perfect fit for
the undulating greens of Troy Burne Golf Club,
a dazzling new course in Hudson, Wisconsin.