
Pro SweepHydraulic System Page 3 -- 6
Relieving Hydraulic System Pressure
Before disconnecting any hydraulic compo -
nents, operate all sweeper hydraulic controls to
relieve system pressure and avoid injury from
pressurized hydraulic oil.
Before disconnectingor performingany workon thePro
Sweep hydraulic system, all pressure in the hydraulic
system must be relieved. Position sweeper on a level
surface with dump hopperempty and fully lowered.Turn
tow vehicle key switch to OFF and allow engine to stop.
Make sure that the s weeper has electrical power and
that sweeper control module is energized (control mod-
ule Time Out and Power LED’s are both illuminated).
Withthetowvehicleenginenot running, press allremote
transmitter buttons to energize the solenoids on the hy-
draulic control manifold. After all functions have been
energized, make sure towvehiclekey switch is OFFand
key is removed from ignition switch.
Securing Pro Sweep to Tow Vehicle
While servicing the Pro Sweep, make sure that thehitch
pin is properly positioned in tow vehicle hitch and
sweeper tongue (Fig. 8). Hitch pin should be secured
with hairpin clip.
1. Hitch pin 2. Hairpin clip
Figure 8