Steering Adjustment
If the tractor turns tighter in one direction than the other,
or if the ball joints are being replaced due to damage or
wear, the steering drag links may need to be adjusted.
Adjust the drag links so that equal lengths are threaded
into the ball joint on the left side and the ball joint on the
right side:
• Loosen the jam nut found on the drag link at the
rear of the ball joint. See Figure 14.
Figure 14
• Remove the hex nut on the top of ball joint. See
Figure 14.
• Thread the ball joint toward the jam nut to shorten
the drag link. Thread the ball joint away from the
jam nut to lengthen the drag link.
• Replace hex nut and lock washer and retighten the
jam nut after proper adjustment is achieved.
NOTE: Threading the ball joints too far onto the drag
links will cause the front tires to "toe-in" too far. Proper
toe-in is between 1/16" and 5/16".
Front tire toe-in can be measured as follows:
• Place the steering wheel in position for straight
ahead travel.
• In front of the axle, measure the distance
horizontally from the inside of the left rim to the
inside of the right rim. Note the distance.
• Behind the axle, measure the distance horizontally
from the inside of the left rim to the inside of the
right rim. Note the distance.
• The measurement taken in front of the axle should
be between 1/16" and 5/16" less than the
measurement taken behind the axle.
• Adjust if necessary.
Hex Nut
Drag Link