Workman MDX--D Electrical SystemPage 5 -- 13
Brake Switch
The brake switch is a normally closed switch that opens
when the brake pedal is not applied. When the brake
pedal is applied, the brake pedal moves away from the
switch plunger to allow the switch to be in its normally
closed state. The brake switch is attached to the pedal
support frame under the dash panel (Fig. 16).
1. Park vehicle on a level surface, stop engine, apply
parking brake a nd remove key from ignition switch.
2. Locate brake switch for testing. Disconnect vehicle
wire harness electrical connector from the brake switch.
3. Check the continuity of the switch by connecting a
multimeter (ohms setting) across the connector termi-
4. When the switch plunger is extended (brake pedal is
applied), there should be continuity (closed) between
the switch terminals.
5. When the switch plunger is depressed (brake pedal
is notapplied),there should not be continuity (open) be-
tween the switch terminals.
6. Replace brake switch if testing determines that it is
faulty. When installing switch, make sure that the brake
pedal does not bottom switch when the pedal is re-
7. If the brake switch tests correctly and a circuit prob-
lem still exists, check wire harness (see Electrical
Schematic and Circuit Drawings in Chapter 7 -- Electric-
al Drawings).
8. When switch testing is completed, connect switch
connector to vehicle wire harness.
1. Brake pedal assembly 2. Brake switch
Figure 16