User's Manual
Satellite A30 Series xvii
Satellite A30 Series
Last Saved on 12/08/2003 14:15
ENGLISH using Euro_M.dot –– Printed on 12/08/2003 as IM_A30EN
Usage Restrictions
Do not use the Wireless Products for controlling equipment:
■ Equipment directly linked with human life corresponds to the
■ Medical equipment such as life support systems, equipment used
in operations, etc.
■ Exhaust systems for gases such as poisonous gas etc. and
exhaust systems for smoke.
■ Equipment that must be set up in compliance with various laws
such as the Fire Services Act, the Construction Standard Act, etc.
■ Equipment corresponding to that mentioned above.
■ Equipment linked with human safety or having a serious influence on
the safe maintenance of public function, etc., because it is not
designed or manufactured for this type of use.
■ Traffic control equipment for air, railroad, road, marine transport,
■ Equipment used in atomic power plants etc.
■ Equipment corresponding to that mentioned above.