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[E: Strip (Feed mode: E)]
Expansion I/O is installed:
The strip sensor is ignored. A feed is performed by checking a PAUSE signal
generated from the expansion I/O.
Expansion I/O is not installed:
The strip sensor is ignored. A feed is performed.
*1 Feed mode E is different from feed mode D. In feed mode E, a label is fed,
regardless of whether or not a label to be stripped is placed.
*2: The peripheral device such as an applicator, must control the PAUSE signal
generated from the expansion I/O.
Head positionStrip position
(1) Place paper.
(2) Feeds back to the home position
(3) Completes feeding to the top of form and stops
Head positionStrip position
(1) Place paper.
The PAUSE signal generated from the expansion
I/O, is turned ON.
(2) Remove the label.
The PAUSE signal generated from the expansion
I/O, is turned OFF.
(4) Completes a feed.
(Completes feeding to the top of form and stops)
The PAUSE signal generated from the expansion
I/O, is turned ON.
(3) Feeds back to the home position.