Wi-Fi (IEEE 802.11b) WLAN Adaptor
User's Manual 8-9
TOSHIBA Pocket PC e740 Version
Last Saved on 10/05/2002 21:02
ENGLISH using Euro_C.dot –– Printed on 10/05/2002 as PDA3_UK
■ Key ID: While enabling “64 bits (ASCII)”, “128 bits (ASCII)”, “64
bits (HEX)” or “128 bits (HEX)”, the “Key ID” will then be enabled
as well. You must choose the same “Key ID” for connection with
the Access Point or the Peer site Station. You can choose “Key 1”
~ “Key 4” for your own use.
■ Key: While enabling “64 bits (ASCII)”, “128 bits (ASCII)”, “64 bits
(HEX)” or “128 bits (HEX)” WEP Mode, the “Key” will then be
enabled. You can key in the “64 bits (ASCII)”, “128 bits (ASCII)”,
“64 bits (HEX)”, or “128 bits (HEX)” WEP Key in the field manually.
The “64 bits (ASCII)” needs 5 ASCII characters with no limitation;
the “128 bits (ASCII)” needs 13 ASCII characters with no limitation;
the “64 bits (HEX)” needs 10 hexadecimal numbers for use and will
have the upper limit of 10 Hexadecimal value of 0~9 and a(A)~f(F);
the “128 bits (HEX)” needs 26 hexadecimal value for use and will
have the upper limit of 26 Hexadecimal number from range of 0~9
and a(A)~f(F). For “64 bits (HEX)” or “128 bits (HEX)”, if you enter
out- of-range Characters, the Utility will prompt a Warning
Message to ask you to enter the correct characters. If you didn’t
enter enough hexadecimal value or ASCII character in the “Key”
field, the “Apply” button will not be able to use. And if you click
“OK” at this time, the Utility will close itself but will not set the
incorrect WEP Key.
■ Transmission Rate: Use the Transmission Rate pull-down menu to
select one of the transmission rates as follows: Fixed 1Mbps, Fixed
2Mbps, Fixed 5.5Mbps, Fixed 11Mbps, Auto Select 1 or 2 Mbps, and
Fully Auto. For best performance, select Fully Auto to allow the
adaptor to automatically adjust the transfer speed.
■ Power Saving: Select or clear the check box to enable or disable the
Power Saving Mode.