2.1 Basic Specifications
2- 1
2.1 Basic Specifications
Item Description
Display Size
View Area 248.0 (W) x 186.5 (H) mm
Active Area 246.0 (W) x 184.5 (H) mm
Resolution 800 (W) x 600 (H) dots
Number of Colors 64K color (65,536 colors) or 260,000 colors
Dot Pitch 0.3075 (W) x 0.3075 (H) mm
Display Mode Transparency
Driving Method TFT
Back light Fluorescent lamp x 2 pcs. Side light type
Panel Size 12.1-inch
View Area 250.0 (W) x 185.5 (H) mm
Active Area 243.8 (W) x 181.1 (H) mm
Mode Analog Resistor film (Grass + PET)
Transparency Rate 80% or more
Input Method Finger touch or Pen
Touch Panel
Resolution 1024 (W) x 1024 (H)
Speaker The built-in speaker of the LKBST-65 is activated when
connecting the speaker signal from the control unit (ST-7000
series) via an interface cable.
Number of keys Max. 40 keys
Number of Control Locks Cylinder Lock type: 1 unit (8 positions)
Key Tone Key depression: 1 tone
Alarm: 2 tones (Selectable by the software)
Volume Adjustable with the control on the bottom of the unit.
Magnetic Card Reader ISO Track 1 & 2 (Option)
Power Supply Voltage DC12V ±10%, DC5V ±5%
Current Consumption DC12V: 0.8A, DC5V: 0.6A
(including 0.1 A for expansion keyboard)
Power Source ST-7000 series
Operating Temperature 5 to 35°C
Humidity 10 to 90 % (No condensation)
Dimensions 433 (W) x 239.2 (H) x 165.6 (D) mm (See
Weight Approx. 4.6 Kg
Body Color FW-2 (Fair White-2)
1. For pen input method, use a pen which meets the following conditions.
Material: POM (Polyester) Pen top: SR0.8mm
2. When the built-in speaker of the LKBST-65 is activated, that of the POS terminal does not
3. The depth (D) here indicates when the tilt angle is 80°. The height (H) doesn’t include the
pole length.
2.2 Options
The following option kits are available for the LKBST-65. For details, contact your nearest TOSHIBA TEC
sales representative.
Option Name Type Description
Magnetic Card Reader MCRST-50-3-QM-R ISO, track 1 and 2 type Magnetic Card Reader Kit
Stand Kit KITLKBST-56-QM-R Used to the LKBST-65 for stand type