Chapter 3
Mobile Computing
This chapter covers all aspects of using your computer while
Toshiba’s energy-saver design
Your computer enters a low-power suspension mode when it is not
being used, thereby conserving energy and saving money in the
process. It has a number of other features that enhance its energy
Many of these energy-saving features have been preset by Toshiba.
We recommend you leave these features active, allowing your
computer to operate at its maximum energy efficiency, so that you
can use it for longer periods while traveling.
Your computer contains Toshiba EasyGuard
. The Toshiba
EasyGuard* technology is made up of four foundational elements
that incorporate hardware and software innovations into various
Toshiba computers that address the most common security,
reliability and connectivity issues faced by computer users:
❖ EasyGuard Protect and Fix—to fortify vital information and
vulnerable components against the stress and hazards mobile
computers face every day.
❖ EasyGuard Secure—to defend your data and your computer
against loss, theft or viral attack.