• Function
An over-torque alarm signal is put out if a torque current exceeding the level set with
(over-torque alarm level) flows for a period of time longer than that set with (over-
torque detection time). To put out the signal via the FM/OUT or FL terminal, this function needs
to be assigned to it in advance, using the output terminal function selection parameter.
6.14.6 Input phase failure detection
: Input phase failure detection mode selection
• Function
This parameter allows you to select a mode of detecting an input open-phase failure. If the
ripple voltage in the main circuit capacitor remains very high for a certain period of time, the
inverter will trip and the FL relay will be activated. At the same time, the error message
will be displayed.
If the power capacity is far larger than the inverter capacity (by more than 200kVA and more
than 10 times), a detection error may occur. If this occurs, install an AC or DC reactor.
If the motor capacity is very small as compared with the inverter capacity, no open-phase
failures may be detected.
= (Disabled)・・・No tripping (FL relay not activated)
= (Enabled) ・・・An open-phase check is performed during operation. The inverter trips
if the ripple voltage in the main circuit capacitor remains unusually
high for a certain period of time. (FL relay activated)
Title FunctionAdjustment range Default setting
Input phase failure
detection mode selection
0: Disabled, 1: Enabled 1
6.14.7 Over-torque alarm
: Over-torque alarm level
: Over-torque detection time
: Output terminal selection 1 (OUT/FM) (
: Output terminal
selection 3 (FL))
Title FunctionAdjustment range Default setting
Over-torque alarm level 0~200(%) 150
Over-torque detection time
0.0: Disabled
ut terminal selection 1
0~13 4
Output terminal selection 3 (FL) 0~13 10