TL-MR3220 3G/3.75G Wireless Lite N Router
WAN network, the router would stop the 3G connection and switch back to WAN access
¾ WAN Only
In this mode, the router will try WAN access only. 3G access is disabled.
4. The next screen will appear as shown in Figure 3-7. After finishing the config
uration on this
page, click Next to continue,
Figure 3-7
¾ Location - Select the location where you're enjoying the 3G card.
¾ Mobile ISP - Select the ISP (Internet Service Provider) you apply to for 3G service. The
router will show the default Dial Number and APN of that ISP. If your ISP is not listed in the
Mobile ISP, check the box before Set the Dial Number and APN manually and fill the Dial
Number and APN blanks below.
¾ Dial Number & APN - Fill these two parameters manually after Set the Dial Number and
APN manually is checked.
¾ Username & Password - Enter the Username and Password provided by your ISP. These
fields are optional but case-sensitive.
5. You will then see Figure 3-8. Select Auto-Detect, the Router will automatically detect the
connection type your ISP provides. Make sure the cable is securely plugged into the WAN
port before detection. The appropriate configuration page will be displayed when an active