AC1900 Wireless Dual Band Gigabit Router
ii. Enter in the dialog box and click the OK button.
3) FTP (Remote): This method is disabled by default. If you select this check box, remote
users can access the USB drive through FTP over the Internet. This feature supports
both downloading and uploading of files. To change the FPT (Remote) port, modify the
port and then click the Save button. To access the USB drive for example from a
Windows computer:
i. Select Start > Run.
ii. Enter ftp://WAN IP:port
in the dialog box and click the OK button.
If the port for FTP (Remote) is changed, the port for FTP will be changed to the same
Sharing Mode
1) If Share All is selected, all the folders in the USB drive will be shared. Besides
Authentication will appear for you to choose or not.
2) If Share Selected Folders is selected, only the folders you specified will be shared. You
have to click the Create Share Folder appeared to specify folders allowed to be shared
in the next screen.
Figure 4-10 Add or Modify Share Folder
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