
Archer C5 AC1200 Wireless Dual Band Gigabit Router
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WAN MAC Address - This field displays the current MAC address of the Internet port. If
your ISP requires you to register the MAC address, please enter the correct MAC address
into this field in XX-XX-XX-XX-XX-XX format (X is any hexadecimal digit).
Your PC's MAC Address - This field displays the MAC address of the PC that is managing
the router. If the MAC address is required, you can click the Clone MAC Address button
and this MAC address will fill in the WAN MAC Address field.
Click Restore Factory MAC to restore the MAC address of Internet port to the factory default
value. Click the Save button to save your settings.
Only the PC on your LAN can use the MAC Address Clone function.
4.4.4 IPTV
Choose menu “Network IPTV”, you can configure the IPTV function on the screen below,
Figure 4-12Figure 4-11:
Figure 4-12 IPTV
IGMP Proxy- If you want to watch TV through IGMP, please Enable it.
Automatic - There would be no change to the LAN ports, work with IGMP Proxy
technology, allowing watch IPTV via wired and wireless connection.
Bridge - Assign an individual LAN port for IPTV set-top-box, which can get IP address
from ISP directly, without any quality loss even when PCs connect with router are
downloading torrents at maximum speed, since this LAN port is isolated from other NAT
LAN ports.
802.1Q Tag VLAN - ISP would provide the networking service based on 802.1Q Tag
VLAN technology. You can assign different VLAN Tag ID for different LAN ports, to
connect PC, IPTV set-top-box or IP-phone. Please contact with you ISP to get the VLAN
ID information.