AV200 Mini Powerline Adapter
QoS requirements are different for various data types such as streaming video or music, voice and raw
data. To provide higher QoS for streaming data, priority levels can be set using tags at the beginning of
data frames. Virtual Local Area Network (Vlan) 802.1p priority tags on Ethernet frames are used to
specify 8 (0~7) levels of „user priority‟. Homeplug AV powerline allows for 4 levels of Channel Access
Priority CAP(0-3)). Therefore, the 8 levels of VLAN Ethernet tags must be mapped to the 4 levels of CAP
priority, where CAP 3 is the highest priority and CAP 0 is the lowest. CAP 3 priority might be used for
voice and network management frames, CAP 2 is used for streaming video-and must while CAP 1 can
CAP 0 are used for data. Mapping VLAN tags to CAP levels is easily done using the VLAM Priority
Mapping function on the QoS tab window.
Simple Application Mapping: The group allows you to choose what type of traffic with the highest user
priority you will use your local HomePlug device for by pitching on one of the following three radios.
Please select the radio type according to your demand.
Advanced VLAN Priority Mapping: The group sets VLAN priority to CAP mapping and default priority.
Note that in HomePlug, CAP 3 is the highest priority while CAP 0 is the lowest priority. The values shown
in VLAN Tags Priority are the default settings for the first running.
4.4 Diagnostics
The Diagnostics homepage shows the System Information and Remote Device History of all remote
devices seen over a period of time which are only readable. Click on the “Diagnostics” tab and the
following screen display.