
TD-8840 External ADSL2+ Router User Guide
Figure 3-32
This page allows you to add a Dynamic DNS address from DynDNS.org,TZO or No-IP.
2. Select D-DNS provider(DynDNS.org,TZO or No-IP) in the drop-down list.
3. Enter the Hostname of the DNS Server, and select the corresponding Interface for the
DDNS, you can leave it default.
4. Type the User Name and Password for your DDNS account.
5. Click the Save/Apply button to save the entry.
3.4 Software Dial
If TD-8840 CPE work in bridged (RFC 1483 Bridged) mode when it connecting Internet. You must
install dial software on your PC. There are some software working on WINDOWS in market,
example for EnterNet3000RASPPPoEWinPeET.
How do I set up the connection in the windows XP?