TD-W8900G 54M Wireless ADSL2+ Router User Guide
Figure 5-71
¾ Disable/Enable: Select the Enable to log the events, if you don’t want to log these events,
please select Disable.
¾ Log Level: Select the Log level in the drop-down list, for the Log level, all events above or
equal to the selected level will be logged.
¾ Display Level: Select the Display level in the drop-down list, for the Display Level, all logged
events above or equal to the selected level will be displayed.
¾ Mode: Select the mode to record the events. If the selected mode is Local, events will be
recorded in the local memory. If the selected mode is Remote, events will be sent to the
specified IP address and UDP port of the remote system log server. If the selected mode is
Both, events will be sent to the local memory and the remote system log server.
¾ Server IP Address: Type the address of the server you want to record the events.
¾ Server UDP Port: Type the UDP Port of the server.
5.7.3 Internet Time
Choose “Management”Æ“Internet Time”, you can see the Time settings screen, this screen
(shown in Figure 5-72) allows you to set the time for the Router.