Configuration Procedure:
z If SNMPv3 is employed, please take the following steps:
Step Operation Description
1 Enable SNMP function globally. Required. On the SNMP→SNMP Config→Global
Config page, enable SNMP function globally.
2 Create SNMP View. Required. On the SNMP→SNMP Config→SNMP
View page, create SNMP View of the management
agent. The default View Name is viewDefault and
the default OID is 1.
3 Create SNMP Group. Required. On the SNMP→SNMP Config→SNMP
Group page, create SNMP Group for SNMPv3 and
specify SNMP Views with various access levels for
SNMP Group.
4 Create SNMP User. Required. On the SNMP→SNMP Config→SNMP
User page, create SNMP User in the Group and
configure the auth/privacy mode and auth/privacy
password for the User.
z If SNMPv1 or SNMPv2c is employed, please take the following steps:
Step Operation Description
1 Enable SNMP function globally. Required. On the SNMP→SNMP
Config→Global Config page, enable SNMP
function globally.
2 Create SNMP View. Required. On the SNMP→SNMP Config→SNMP
View page, create SNMP View of the
management agent. The default View Name is
viewDefault and the default OID is 1.
Create SNMP
access level
for the User.
Create SNMP
Group and SNMP
Required alternatively.
z Create SNMP Community directly.
On the SNMP→SNMP Config→SNMP
Community page, create SNMP Community
based on SNMP v1 and SNMP v2c.
z Create SNMP Group and SNMP User.
Similar to the configuration way based on
SNMPv3, you can create SNMP Group and
SNMP User of SNMP v1/v2c. The User
name can limit access to the SNMP agent
from SNMP network management station,
functioning as a community name. The
users can manage the device via the Read
View, Write View and Notify View defined in
the SNMP Group.