week-day —— Periodic Mode, with “1-7”, “daily”, “off-day” and “working-day”
options. “1-7” should be entered in the format of 1-3, 7 which represent Monday,
Tuesday, Wednesday and Sunday. “Daily” represents every day. “Off-day”
represents weekend. “Working-day” represents working day.
time-slice —— Create time-slice, in the format of HH:MM-HH:MM.
Command Mode
Power Time-range Create Configuration Mode
Configure the PoE time-range named “tRange2” as a periodic time-range and
specify the date and time as 8:30 to 12:00 on weekends:
TL-SG2424P(config)# power time-range tRange2
TL-SG2424P(config-pwr-time-range)# periodic week-date off-day time-slice1
The holiday command is used to create holiday mode time-range for the PoE
time-range of the switch. When the PoE holiday which is excluded from PoE
time-range occurs, the switch will not supply power.
holiday { exclude | include }
exclude —— Indicates the PoE time-range of the switch excluding the PoE
holiday. When PoE holiday occurs, the switch will not supply power.
include —— Indicates the PoE time-range of the switch including the PoE
holiday. It is the default option. When PoE holiday occurs, the switch will supply
Command Mode
Power Time-range Create Configuration Mode
Create a holiday mode time-range for the PoE time-range named “tRange3” and
configure PoE time-range of the switch excludes the PoE holiday:
TL-SG2424P(config)# power time-range tRange3