User Guidelines
1. If the password you configured here is unencrypted and the global
encryption function is enabled in service password-encryption
, the
password in the configuration file will be displayed in the symmetric
encrypted form.
2. If you change the password of the current user in a telnet connection, the
connection will be cut off and the newly configured password is required for
the re-login.
Add and enable a new admin user named “tplink”, of which the password is
“admin” and unencrypted:
TL-SG2424(config)#user name tplink privilege admin password 0 admin
user name (secret)
The user name command is used to add a new user or modify the existed
users’ information. To delete the existed users, please use no user name
command. This command uses the MD5 encryption.
user name name [ privilege admin | guest ] secret { [ 0 ] password | 5
encrypted-password }
no user name name
name ——Type a name for users' login, which contains 16 characters at most,
composed of digits, English letters and under dashes only.
admin | guest —— Access level. “Admin” means that you can edit, modify and
view all the settings of different functions. “Guest” means that you can only view
the settings without the right to edit and modify. It is “admin” by default.
0 —— Specify the encryption type. 0 indicates that an unencrypted password
will follow. By default, the encryption type is 0.
password ——Users’ login password, a string from 1 to 31 alphanumeric
characters or symbols. The password is case sensitive, allows digits, English
letters (case sensitive), underlines and sixteen special characters