snmp-server traps
The snmp-server traps command is used to enable SNMP extended traps. To
disable the sending of SNMP extended traps, please use no snmp-server
traps command.
snmp-server traps { bandwidth-control | cpu | flash | ipaddr-change | lldp |
loopback-detection | storm-control | spanning-tree }
no snmp-server traps { bandwidth-control | cpu | flash | ipaddr-change | lldp |
loopback-detection | storm-control | spanning-tree }
bandwidth-control —— Enable bandwidth-control trap. It is sent when the rate
limit function is enabled and the bandwidth exceeds the predefined value.
cpu —— Allow CPU-related trap. It is sent when CPU usage exceeds the
predefined threshold. By default, the CPU usage threshold of the switch is 80%.
flash —— Enable flash trap. It is sent when flash is modified during operations
such as backup, reset, firmware upgrade, configuration import, etc.
ipaddr-change —— Enable ipaddr-change trap. It is sent when IP address is
changed such as user manually modifies the IP address or the switch obtains a
new IP address from DHCP.
lldp —— Enable lldp trap. It is sent when the port’s neighbor changes.
loopback-detection —— Enable loopback-detection trap. It is sent when the
switch detects loopback or loopback is cleared.
storm-control —— Enable storm-control trap. It is sent when the multicast or
broadcast rate exceeds the predefined value.
spanning-tree —— Enable spanning-tree trap. It is sent when the port
forwarding status changes or the port receives TCN packet or packet with TC
Command Mode
Global Configuration Mode
Enable SNMP extended bandwidth-control trap for the switch:
TL-SG2424(config)# snmp-server traps bandwidth-control