( !$%'()*,-./[]{|} ). By default, it is empty. The password will be saved to the
configuration file using the MD5 encrypted algorithm.
5 —— Indicates an MD5 encrypted password with fixed length will follow.
encrypted-password —— An MD5 encrypted password with fixed length, which
you can copy from another switch’s configuration file.
Command Mode
Global Configuration Mode
User Guidelines
1. If both the user name (password) and user name (secret) are defined,
you must enter the password set in user name (secret).
2. If you change the password of the current user in a telnet connection, the
connection will be cut off and the newly configured password is required for
the re-login.
Add and enable a new admin user named “tplink”, of which the password is
“admin”. The password will be displayed in the encrypted form.
TL-SG2424(config)#user name tplink privilege admin secret 0 admin
user access-control ip-based
The user access-control ip-based command is used to limit the IP-range of
the users for login. Only the users within the IP-range you set here are allowed
to login. To cancel the user access limit, please use no user access-control
user access-control ip-based ip-addr ip-mask
no user access-control
ip-addr —— The source IP address. Only the users within the IP-range you set
here are allowed for login.
ip-mask ——The subnet mask of the IP address.
Command Mode