respond to the authentication requ
est from the same
supplicant during the Quiet Period.
Retry Times: Specify the maximum transfer times of the repeated
authentication request.
Supplicant Timeout: Specify the maximum time for the switch to wait for the
response from supplicant before resending a request to
the supplicant.
Server Timeout: Specify the maximum time for the switch to wait for the
response from authentication server before resending a
request to the authentication server.
11.4.2 Port Config
On this page, you can configure the 802.1X features for the ports based on the actual network.
Choose the menu Network Security→802.1X→Port Config to load the following page.
Figure 11-21 Port Config
The following entries are displayed on this screen:
Port Config
Port Select: Click the Select button to quick-select the corresponding port
based on the port number you entered.
Select: Select your desired port for configuration. It is multi-optional.
Port: Displays the port number.
Status: Select Enable/Disable the 802.1X authentication feature for the