{low|middle|high} [consumption {power limit}]
no power profile {profile name}
profile name —— the name of the profile.
supply-status —— the PoE status of the port in the profile.
priority —— the PoE priority of the port in the profile.
consumption —— the max power the port in the profile can supply.
Command Mode
Interface Configuration Mode
Create a PoE profile. Profile name is File2, PoE feature is enabled, PoE priority
is low and the power limit is 5W.
TP-LINK(config)# interface ethernet 2
TP-LINK(config-if)# power inline profile File2 supply-status enable priority
low consumption 50
power time-segment
The power time-segment command is used to add Time-Range. To delete the
corresponding Time-Range, please use no power time-segment command. A
time-range based PoE enables you to implement PoE power supply by
differentiating the time-ranges. A time-range can be specified for each port. The
port will not supply power when the specified time-range is configured and the
system time is not within the time-range.
power time-segment {name} [week-day week-day] [start-date start-date]
[end-date end-date] [holiday {include|exclude}] [time-slice1 time-slice]
[time-slice2 time-slice] [time-slice3 time-slice] [time-slice4 time-slice]
no power time-segment {name}
name —— The Time-Range name, ranging from 1 to 16 characters.
week-day —— Period Mode, in the format of 1-3,6 or daily, off-day,
working-day. 1-3,6 represent Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Saturday; daily
represents every day; off-day represents weekend and working-day represents