desired Priva
te VLAN.
Secondary VLAN ID: Enter the Secondary VLAN ID number of
the desired Private VLAN.
Private VLAN Table
Select: Select the entry to delete. It is multi-optional.
Primary VLAN: Displays the Primary VLAN ID number of the Private VLAN.
Secondary VLAN: Displays the Secondary VLAN ID number of the Private VLAN.
Port: Displays the Port number of the Private VLAN.
6.5.2 Port Config
The Private VLAN provides two Port Types for the ports, Promiscuous and Host. Usually, the
Promiscuous port is used to connect to uplink devices while the Host port is used to connect to the
he terminal hosts, such as PC and Server.
Choose the menu VLAN→Private VLAN→Port Config to load the following page.
Figure 6-15 Create and View Protocol Template
The following entries are displayed on this screen:
Port Config
Port: Select the desired port for configuration.
Port Type: Select the Port Type from the pull-down list for the port.
Primary VLAN: Specify the Primary VLAN the port belongs to.
Secondary VLAN: Specify the Secondary VLAN the port belongs to.
Private VLAN Port Table
Port ID: Displays the port number.
Port Type: Displays the corresponding Port Type.
Operation: Click Remove to delete the port.
1. A Host Port can only join to a Private VLAN.