seconds. By default, it is 260.
leave-time —— Leave Time, which is the interval between the switch receiving
a leave message from a host and the switch removing the host from the
multicast groups. Leave Time ranges from 1 to 30 in seconds. By default, it is 1.
router-port —— Static Router Port, which is mainly used in the network with
stable topology.
Command Mode
Global Configuration Mode
Enable Multicast VLAN, and configure Router Port Time as 300 seconds,
Member Port Time as 200 seconds, and Leave time as 15 seconds for VLAN 2:
TP-LINK(config)# igmp-snooping multi-vlan-config enable 2 rtime 300
mtime 200 ltime 15
igmp-snooping static-entry-add
The igmp-snooping static-entry-add command is used to create static
multicast IP entry. To delete the corresponding entry, please use no
igmp-snooping static-entry-add command. The multicast groups configured
here are not learned by IGMP Snooping and independent of dynamic multicast
groups and multicast filter. Multicast IP addresses ranges from to The range for receivers to join is from to
Igmp-snooping static-entry-add {ip} {vlan-id} {switch-port}
no igmp-snooping static-entry-add {ip} {vlan-id}
ip —— The static multicast IP address.
vlan-id —— The VLAN ID of the multicast IP, ranging from 1 to 4094.
switch-port —— The forward port of the multicast group, in the format of
Command Mode
Global Configuration Mode