: Enter the priority of the port in the instance. It is an important criterion
on determining if the port connected to this port will be chosen as the
root port.
Path Cost: Path Cost is used to choose the path and calculate the path costs of
ports in an MST region. It is an important criterion on determining the
root port. The lower value has the higher priority.
Port Role: Displays the role of the port played in the MSTP Instance.
Port Status: Displays the working status of the port.
LAG: Displays the LAG number which the port belongs to.
The port status of one port in different spanning tree instances can be different.
Global configuration Procedure for Spanning Tree function:
Step Operation Description
1 Make clear roles the switches
play in spanning tree
instances: root bridge or
designated bridge
2 Globally configure MSTP
Required. Enable Spanning Tree function on the switch
and configure MSTP parameters on Spanning
Tree→STP Config→STP Config page.
3 Configure MSTP parameters
for ports
Required. Configure MSTP parameters for ports on
Spanning Tree→Port Config page.
4 Configure the MST region Required. Create MST region and configure the role the
switch plays in the MST region on Spanning
Tree→MSTP Instance→Region Config and Instance
Config page.
5 Configure MSTP parameters
for instance ports
Optional. Configure different instances in the MST region
and configure MSTP parameters for instance ports on
Spanning Tree→MSTP Instance→Instance Port
Config page.
7.4 STP Security
Configuring protection function for devices can prevent devices from any malicious attack against
STP features. The STP Security function can be implemented on Port Protect and TC Protect
Port Protect function is to prevent the devices from any malicious attack against STP features.
7.4.1 Port Protect
On this page you can configure loop protect feature, root protect feature, TC protect feature,
BPDU protect feature and BPDU filter feature for ports. You are suggested to enable
corresponding protection feature for the qualified ports.