Gigabit Uplink Unmanaged Switch
Requirements for Cabling Indoors
When cabling indoors, keep a certain distance away from the devices that may cause
high-frequency interferences, such as down-conductor cable, powerline, power
transformer and electromotor.
The main cable should be paved in the metal raceway of the access shaft. When
cabling, keep the loop area formed by the cable itself as small as possible.
Requirements for the distance between Ethernet cable and other pipelines are
shown in the table.
Other Pipelines
Ethernet Cable
Min Parallel Net Length L
Min Parallel-overlapping Net
Height H (mm)
Down-conductor 1000 300
PE 50 20
Service pipe 150 20
Compressed air pipe 150 20
Thermal pipe (not wrapped) 500 500
Thermal pipe (wrapped) 300 300
Gas pipe 300 20
The two diagrams below demonstrate parallel net length and parallel-overlapping net
Note: The above minimum net length/height is required when metal raceway is not
used. If any requirements cannot be met, you can add a steel tube or metal raceway
for shielding.
Requirements for the distance between Ethernet cable and high-power electric
devices are in following tables.
Cable Pave Way
Min Parallel
Length (mm)
Parallel cabling 130
One is in the grounded metal raceway or metal pipe 70
The both are in the grounded metal raceway or metal pipe 10
Parallel cabling 300
One is in the grounded metal raceway or metal pipe 150
The both are in the grounded metal raceway or metal pipe 80
Parallel cabling 600
One is in the grounded metal raceway or
metal pipe 300
The both are in the grounded metal r
aceway or metal pipe 150
Lightning Protection