Section 8. Dening the Forwarding Database
Packets addressed to destinations stored in either the Static or Dynamic databases are immediately forwarded to the
port. The Dynamic MAC Address Table can be sorted by interface, VLAN, or MAC Address, whereas MAC addresses are
dynamically learned as packets from sources that arrive at the device. Static addresses are congured manually.
An address becomes associated with a port by learning the port from the frame’s source address, but if a frame that is
addressed to a destination MAC address is not associated with a port, that frame is ooded to all relevant VLAN ports. To
prevent the bridging table from overowing, a dynamic MAC address, from which no trafc arrives for a set period, is erased.
This section contains information for defining both static and dynamic forwarding addresses, and includes the following
Conguring Static Addresses
Conguring Dynamic Forwarding Addresses
8.1 Conguring Static Addresses
The Forwarding Database Static Addresses Page contains parameters for dening the age interval on the device. To prevent
static MAC addresses from being deleted when the device is reset, ensure that the port attached to the MAC address is
locked. To prevent static MAC addresses from being deleted when the device is reset, ensure that the port attached to the
MAC address is locked.
To dene Static addressing for the forwarding database:
1. Click System > Bridging Config > Forwarding Database > Static Addresses. The Forwarding Database Static
Addresses Page opens:
Figure 81: Forwarding Database Static Addresses Page
The Forwarding Database Static Addresses Page contains
the following elds:
VLAN ID — Displays the VLAN ID number to which
the entry refers.
MAC Address — Displays the MAC address to which
the entry refers.
Interface — Displays the interface to which the entry
– Port — The specific port number to which the
forwarding database parameters refer.
– LAG — The specic LAG number to which the forwarding database parameters refer.
Status — Displays how the entry was created. The possible eld values are:
– Secure — The MAC Address is dened for locked ports.
– Permanent — The MAC address is permanent.
– Delete on Reset — The MAC address is deleted when the device is reset.
– Delete on Timeout — The MAC address is deleted when a timeout occurs.
Remove — Removes the entry. The possible eld values are:
– Checked — Removes the selected entry.
– Unchecked — Maintains the current static forwarding database.