Step Operation Description
2 Enable STP function On Spanning Tree→STP Config→STP Config page,
enable STP function and select MSTP version.
On Spanning Tree→STP Config→Port Config page,
enable MSTP function for the port.
3 Configure the region name and
the revision of MST region
On Spanning Tree→MSTP Instance→Region Config
page, configure the region as TP-LINK and keep the
default revision setting.
4 Configure VLAN-to-Instance
mapping table of the MST region
On Spanning Tree→MSTP Instance→Instance
Config page, configure VLAN-to-Instance mapping
table. Map VLAN 101, 103 and 105 to Instance 1; map
VLAN 102, 104 and 106 to Instance 2.
The configuration procedure for switch E and F is the same with that for switch D.
The topology diagram of the two instances after the topology is stable
For Instance 1 (VLAN 101, 103 and 105), the red paths in the following figure are connected
links; the gray paths are the blocked links.
For Instance 2 (VLAN 102, 104 and 106), the blue paths in the following figure are connected
links; the gray paths are the blocked links.
Suggestion for Configuration
Enable TC Protect function for all the ports of switches.
Enable Root Protect function for all the ports of root bridges.