
atus: Displays the status of the link-local address.
Normal: Indicates that the link-local address is normal.
Try: Indicates that the link-local address may be newly
Repeat: Indicates that the link-local address is duplicate. It is
illegal to access the switch using the IPv6 address(including
link-local and global address).
Global Address Autoconfig via RA Message
Enable global address
auto configuration via
RA message:
When this option is enabled, the switch automatically configures a
global address and other information according to the address
prefix and other configuration parameters from the received
RA(Router Advertisement) message.
Global Address Autoconfig via DHCPv6 Server
Enable Global
Address Autoconfig
via DHCPv6 Server:
When this option is enabled, the system will try to obtain the global
address from the DHCPv6 Server.
Add a global address manually
Address Format: You can select the global address format according to your
EUI-64: Indicates that you only need to specify an address
prefix, and then the system will create a global address
Not EUI-64: Indicates that you have to specify an intact global
Global Address: When selecting the mode of EUI-64, please input the address
prefix here, otherwise, please input an intact IPv6 address here..
Global address Table
Select: Select the desired entry to delete or modify the corresponding
global address.
Global Address: Modify the global address.
Prefix Length: Modify the prefix length of the global address.
Type: Displays the configuration mode of the global address.
Manual: Indicates that the corresponding address is
configured manually
Auto: Indicates that the corresponding address is created
automatically using the RA message or obtained from the
DHCPv6 Server.
Preferred Lifetime
/Valid Lifetime:
Displays the preferred time and valid time of the global address.