
4. Click the Save button to save this entry.
To add additional entries, repeat steps 1-4.
When finished, click the Return button to return to the MAC Address Filtering page.
To modify or delete an existing entry:
1. Click the Modify in the entry you want to modify. If you want to delete the entry, click the
2. Modify the information.
3. Click the Save button.
Click the Enable All button to make all entries enabled.
Click the Disabled All button to make all entries disabled.
Click the Delete All button to delete all entries
Click the Next button to go to the next page and click the Previous button to return to the
previous page.
Fox example: If you want to block the PC with MAC addresses 00-0A-EB-00-07-BE and
00-0A-EB-00-07-5F to access the Internet, first, enable the Firewall and MAC Address Filtering
on the Firewall page, then, you should specify the Default MAC Address Filtering Rule "Deny
these PC(s) with effective rules to access the Internet" on the Firewall page and the following
MAC address filtering list on this page:
4.10.5 Advanced Security
Using Advanced Security page (shown in Figure 4-43), you can protect the router from being
attacked by TCP-SYN Flood, UDP Flood and ICMP-Flood from LAN.