300Mbps Wireless N Range Extender User Guide
Appendix A: Application Example
The TL-WA830RE relays signal between its stations and the root AP for greater wireless range. It
allows you to connect the device with a Router around either with or without any Ethernet cable.
The situation is that you want to connect your computer equipped with wireless adapter to a wired
network wirelessly. Then you can take the following instructions to achieve that.
Step 1: Configure your TL-WA830RE to Access Point mode.
1) Connect your TL-WA830RE to your PC with an Ethernet cable.
2) Log on to the web-based management page. Configure your TL-WA830RE in the Access
Point mode and check the Enable SSID Broadcast box (Please refer to
4.5.1 Wireless
3) View the Wireless > Wireless Settings page and note down the SSID of the Range
Extender. You are suggested to name a unique and easy-to-remember SSID, and set the
wireless security for your wireless network (Please refer to 4.5.1 Wireless Settings and
Wireless Security.)
4) Remove the Ethernet cable between TL-WA830RE and your PC.
5) Connect your TL-WA830RE to the front-end Router or Switch with an Ethernet cable.
Step 2: Configure your TL-WA830RE to Range Extender mode.
1) Connect your TL-WA830RE to your PC with an Ethernet cable.
2) Log on to the web-based management page. Configure your TL-WA830RE in the Range
Extender mode and check the Enable SSID Broadcast box (Please refer to
4.5.1 Wireless
3) View the Wireless > Wireless Settings page and note down the SSID of the Range
Extender. You are suggested to name a unique and easy-to-remember SSID, and set the
wireless security for your wireless network (Please refer to 4.5.1 Wireless Settings and
Wireless Security.)
4) Remove the Ethernet cable between TL-WA830RE and your PC.