300Mbps WiFi Range Extender with Power Outlet Pass-through
Wireless Connection – It shows whether the Range Extender is connected to the Main
Router/AP by Wireless.
IP Address –The IP address of the Range Extender.
Type – The Range Extender's IP address Type.
Signal Received From Main Router/AP - This is the signal strength the Range
Extender received from the Main Router/AP.
Wireless Rate To Main Router/AP - This is the real wireless rate between the Range
Extender and the Main Router/AP.
Main Router/AP Info - This part shows you the current information of the Main Router/AP.
WiFi Name - This is the WiFi name of the Main Router/AP (The Main Router/AP is
usually your router or access point or gateway).
MAC Address - The MAC address of the main Router or AP.
Internet Access - It shows whether the Main Router/AP has access to the Internet.
System Up Time - The length of the time since the device was last powered on or reset.
Firmware Version - This field displays the current firmware version of the Range Extender.
Hardware Version - This field displays the current hardware version of the Range Extender.
Click the Refresh button to get the latest status and settings of the device.
4.2 Quick Setup
Please refer to Chapter 3 Quick Installation Guide.
4.3 Profile
Profile function can help you remember previously connected wireless networks.
You can Edit, Delete or Add profiles in this page (as shown in Figure 4-2) for your convenient
reconnection later on.
Figure 4-2 Profile
Choose - You can choose any one wireless network you want to connect to.
Profile Name - The name you give to your wireless networks. By default, it's the same as root
SSID, but you can change it to any other names that you can easily remember and
Root SSID - the SSID (wireless network name) of your root device, a wireless router or AP.
MAC - The physical address of your root AP, also called BSSID.