TL-WN610G/TL-WN650G/TL-WN651G 108M Wireless Adapter User Guide
3.2 Profile Management
Click the Profile Management tab of the TWCU Utility and the Profile Management screen
will appear, figure 3-3. The Profile Management screen provides tools to:
¾ Add a profile
¾ Edit a profile
¾ Remove a profile
¾ Switch to another Profile
¾ Import a Profile
¾ Export a Profile
¾ Scan Available Networks
¾ Order profiles
Figure 3-3 Profile Management tab
3.2.1 Add or Modify a Configuration Profile
To add a new configuration profile, click New on the Profile Management tab. To modify a
configuration profile, select the configuration from the Profile list and click Modify.
The Profile Management dialog box will display a screen similar to that shown in Figure
1. Edit the General tab
¾ Profile Name - Identifies the configuration profile. This name must be unique. Profile
names are not case-sensitive.
¾ Client Name - Identifies the client machine.
¾ Network Names (SSIDs) - The IEEE 802.11 wireless network name. This field has a
maximum limit of 32 characters.
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