300Mbps Wireless N USB Adapter
Figure 4-5
Figure 4-6
The following items can be found on the screen.
Profile Name: Enter a name for your profile (e.g. CoffeeShop, Home, Office). The same
name is not allowed. Please also note that no space is allowed between words.
SSID: Select the target network from the drop-down list.
Network Type: Select the network type. If you are connecting to a wireless router or
access point, select Infrastructure. If you are connecting to another wireless client such as
an adapter, select ad hoc.
Security Type: Select the security type from the list. In Infrastructure mode, four options
are available: WPA-PSK/WPA2-PSK, WPA/WPA2, WEP and None. In ad hoc mode, two
options are available: WEP and None. The security type should be the same as on your
router or access point, otherwise, you will not be able to build a successful
connection.WPA-PSK/WPA2-PSK uses a passphrase or key to authenticate your wireless
connection. The key must be the exact same key entered on your wireless router or access
point. None stands for no security. In Infrastructure mode, it is recommended to enable
WPA-PSK/WPA2-PSK on your wireless router or access point before configuring your