N600 Universal Dual Band WiFi Entertainment Adapter with 4 Ports
Figure 4-14 Add or Modify the Profile
Profile Name - The alias that you have given to your wireless networks. By default it's the
same as the Main Router/AP Wi-Fi Network Name(SSID), but you can change it to any
other name so that you can easily remember and distinguish.
Main Router/AP Wi-Fi Network Name - The wireless network name of your root device
this profile will connect to, it is also called SSID.
MAC Address of Main Router/AP - The MAC of your root device this profile will connect
Band - The wireless band that the root access point or wireless router is working in.
Wireless Security Type - The security type of your root wireless networks this profile
refers to.
Encryption - The encryption of the existing wireless network. It is used when the
wireless security type is WPA-PSK or WPA2-PSK.
WEP Index - The WEP index is only used when the wireless security type is
WEP(ASCII) or WEP(Hexadecimal).
WEP Auth Type - The authorization type of WEP. It is only used when the wireless
security type is WEP(ASCII) or WEP(Hexadecimal).
Wireless Password - The wireless password of the existing wireless network. If the
Wireless Security Type is WPA-PSK or WPA2-PSK, the length of this field should be
between 8 and 63 characters which are case-sensitive. If the Wireless Security Type
is WEP(ASCII), the length should be 5 or 13 characters. If the Wireless Security
Type is WEP(Hexadecimal), the length should be 10 or 26 digits.
Click Save to save this piece of profile in the list and go back to the Profile List page.
Click Back to go back to the Profile List page.
3. After you’ve set and saved the profile, it will return to the profile list page and display as in
Figure 4-15.
Figure 4-15 Add or Modify the Profile