48 LonTalk Communication Interface • ACC-SVN100A-EN
Network Variable and Configuration Property Definitions
Default value for nviCapacityLim, SNVT_lev_percent, level 1
This configuration property sets the default value for the Capacity Limit (nviCapacityLim)
of the chiller, unless the configuration property nciDefaults = 1. When nciDefaults = 1, the
UC800 controller ignores the BAS value and chooses from other available values
(external or front panel) based on internal arbitration rules.
• Range: Same as nviCapacityLim
• Default: Invalid (0x7FFF)
• SCPT reference: SCPTlimitChlrCap (81)
Default value for nviChillerEnable, SNVT_switch, level 1
This configuration property provides the default power up and restart modes
(nviChillerEnable) of the chiller, unless the configuration property nciDefaults = 1. When
nciDefaults = 1, the UC800 controller ignores the BAS value and chooses from other
available setpoints (external or front panel) based on internal arbitration rules.
• Range: Same as nviChillerEnable
• Default: Invalid (0xFF, 0xFF)
• SCPT reference: SCPTpwrUpState (73)
Chiller type information, UCPT_chiller_type, level 1
This configuration property defines some of the properties of the chiller. These values are
set when the LCI-C is bound into the UC800 controller. It is a read-only configuration
property that cannot be modified over LonTalk communications.
Structure definition
Item Length Range
Model information 1 byte Range of enum values in
UCPT_chiller_type (refer to
User-defined Types, p. 53)
Unit capacity 4 bytes SNVT_power_f
Cooling type 1 byte Range of enum values
(0=water-cooled, 1=air-cooled)
Number of circuits 1 byte 1–2
Number of compressors: circuit 1 1 byte 0–3
Number of compressors: circuit 2 1 byte 0–3