
Smoke alarm annunciation
BAS-APG001-EN 103
Smoke alarm annunciation
Systems serving two or more zones shall visually identify the zone of
origin of the status change (UL-864: 33.2.1). The visual annunciation
shall be capable of displaying all zones having a status change (UL-864:
33.2.2). These requirements are interpreted to mean that any smoke zone
alarm is annunciated by the smoke control panel regardless of alarm
order. If any smoke zone alarm is triggered, the alarm state is sent to
MP580 controllers that interface with and control the smoke control
Figure 54 illustrates a means of programming to meet
requirements 33.2.1 and 33.2.2. An additional value, smokeAlarmAny, is
broadcast as a means to provide information for priority-based decisions
Table 28 on page 101).
Figure 54. Smoke alarm annunciation