General Information
a control valve and stop (ball) valves. The deluxe package consists of a control valve, a stop (ball)
valve, a circuit setter, and strainer.
Belt-drive motors range from 1/3 to 3 horsepower in a wide range of voltages. All motors have
internal thermal and current overloads, permanently sealed ball bearings, and a resilient cradle
mount to reduce noise and vibration transmission.
Variable pitch sheave drive kit options help make it possible to more accurately select design static
pressure. For additional flexibility, 115 volt single phase, two speed motors are optional.
Note: Sheaves are factory set in the middle of the range. Field adjustment of sheaves, motor, and
belt are required to arrive at desired rpm. Refer to the original sales order and Table 35, p. 68
for drive information.
Units may have no controls (4 x 4 junction box) or any of four different control types:
1. control interface
2. Tracerâ„¢ ZN010
3. Tracer ZN510
4. Tracer ZN520
All control options are factory-installed and tested.