Chapter 1 Overview
UCM maximum capacities for Tracker
models 12 and 24
The Tracker model 12 and 24 controllers can control and monitor specific
types and numbers of Trane unit control modules (UCMs) as specified in
this topic. The supported UCMs are as follows:
• HVAC controllers that conform to the LonMark
Space Comfort Con-
troller (SCC) profile: the primary controller options are the Voyager
rooftop with a Tracer LCI-V, Precedent rooftop with ReliaTel controls
and a Tracer LCI-R, and Tracer ZN517 unitary controller. Other con-
trollers are limited to the Tracer ZN510, ZN511, and ZN524.
• VariTrac central control panels (CCPs) with a TCI-V.
• Tracer MP503 I/O module.
Table 2 shows the maximum number of each UCM type that can be linked
to each Tracker controller model. Any combination of the specified UCMs
may be used in aggregate if they do not exceed the maximum. (For
example: A fully loaded Tracker 24 controller can control 24 SCC devices,
10 VariTrac CCPs, and 4 Tracer MP503 I/O modules.)
Trane VariTrac CCP is the main controller for either a changeover
bypass system configuration or a delivered variable air volume (VAV)
system configuration. Any combination of CCP configurations may be
used in aggregate, as long as they do not exceed the maximum.
• Each VariTrac CCP configured for changeover bypass can
control 1 HVAC device and up to 24 VAV UCMs.
• Each VariTrac CCP configured for delivered VAV can con-
trol 1 HVAC device and up to 32 VAV UCMs.
• See repeater information, “Requirements for repeaters on
Comm5 communication links” on page 37.
Table 2. Tracker controller models 12 and 24 UCM capacities
Tracker m odel UCM type
24 SCC* 24
Trane VariTrac CCP 10
Tracer MP503 I/O module 4
Total maximum UCMs supported 38
12 SCC* 12
Trane VariTrac CCP 5
Tracer MP503 I/O module 4
Total maximum UCMs supported 21
* SCCS supported by Tracker are limited to Voyager rooftops, Precedent rooftops with
ReliaTel controls, Tracer ZN517, ZN510, ZN511, and ZN524.