Use this manual to install, startup,
operate, and maintain the Custom
Climate Changer™ air handler.
Carefully review the procedures
discussed in this manual to minimize
installation and startup difficulties.
Unit Description
Custom Climate Changer™ air
handlers are designed for a variety
of controlled-air applications. The
basic unit consists of a fan, heating
and/or cooling coils, filters, and
dampers. See the unit submittal
drawings for detailed descriptions.
Each unit is provided with a
nameplate. This nameplate includes
unit model number, serial number
and electrical data.
The fans are internally isolated. To
insure fan stability, the unit ships
with a minimum of four lock-down
devices that prevent the fan from
shifting during shipment and
installation. These spacers must be
removed prior to fan operation to
assure proper vibration isolation.
Retain these spacers for use in
adjusting fan isolators if required.
The units are available with factory
mounted controls for climate and
humidity control. These can be use as
stand-alone devices or operate with a
complete controls system. End devices
include factory-mounted starters and
variable speed drives.
Custom Climate Changer™ air
handlers ship as complete
assemblies or in sections. Some
jobsite assembly is required when
the units ship in sections.
Protecting the
World environmental scientists have
concluded, based on the best
currently available evidence, that
ozone in our upper atmosphere is
being reduced due to the release of
CFC (chlorofluorocarbon) fully
halogenated compounds.
Trane urges that all HVAC servicers
working on Trane equipment, or any
manufacturer’s products, make
every effort to eliminate, if possible,
or vigorously reduce the emission of
CFC, HCFC (halocarbon that contains
fluorine, chlorine, carbon, and
hydrogen), and HFC (halocarbon
that contains only fluorine, carbon,
and hydrogen) refrigerants to the
atmosphere resulting from
installation, operation, routine
maintenance, or major service on
this equipment. Always act in a
responsible manner to conserve
refrigerants for continued use even
when acceptable alternatives are
Refrigerant used in any type of air-
conditioning or refrigerating
equipment should be recovered for
reuse, recovered and/or recycled for
reuse, reprocessed (reclaimed), or
properly destroyed, whenever it is
removed from equipment. Never
release it to the atmosphere!