Keeping Operators Informed
A crucial part of efficiently running a
chiller plant is assuring that the
operations staff is instantly aware of
what is happening in the plant. Graphics
showing schematics of chillers, piping,
pumps, and towers clearly depict the
chiller plant system, enabling building
operators to easily monitor overall
conditions. Status screens display both
current conditions and upcoming
automated control actions to add or
subtract chiller capacity. CGWF and
other chillers can be monitored and
controlled from a remote location.
Tracer Summit features standard report
templates listing key operating data for
troubleshooting and verifying
performance. Reports for each type of
Trane chiller and three and six-chiller
systems are also standard. Detailed
reports showing chiller runtimes aid in
planning for preventative maintenance.
Swift Emergency Response
We understand the importance of
maintaining chilled water production
while protecting your chillers from costly
damage. If no water flow is detected to a
chiller’s piping, the start sequence is
aborted to protect the chiller. The next
chiller in the sequence is immediately
started to maintain cooling.
In the event of a problem, the operator
receives an alarm notification and
diagnostic message to aid in quick and
accurate troubleshooting. A snapshot
report showing system status just prior
to an emergency shutdown helps
operators determine the cause. If
emergency conditions justify an
immediate manual shutdown, the
operator can override the automatic
Easy Documentation for Regulatory
Comprehensive documentation of
refrigerant management practices is
now a fact of life. Trane chiller plant
automation generates the reports
mandated in ASHRAE Guideline 3.
Integrated Comfort
When integrated with a Tracer Summit
building management system
performing building control, Trane chiller
plant automation coordinates with
Tracer Summit applications to optimize
the total building operation. With this
system option, the full breadth of Trane’s
HVAC and controls experience are
applied to offer solutions to many facility
issues. If your project calls for an
interface to other systems, Tracer
Summit can share data via BACnet
, the
ASHRAE open systems protocol.
Ice Making Systems Controls
An ice making option may be ordered
with the 20-60 ton scroll liquid chiller.
CH530 will accept a command to initiate
ice making. When in the ice making
mode, the chiller will be fully loaded and
will continue to operate until the ice
command is removed or the evaporator
entering water temperature reaches the
active ice termination setpoint. If
terminated on the evaporator entering
water temperature, CH530 will not allow
the chiller to restart until the ice making
command is removed.
Additional Options That May Be Used In
Failure Indication Contacts
Communications Interface (For Tracer
Chilled Water Temperature Reset
Trane Chiller Plant Automation
Trane’s depth of experience in chillers
and controls makes us a well-qualified
choice for automation of chiller plants
using scroll liquid chillers. The chiller
plant control capabilities of the Trane
Tracer Summit
building automation
system are unequaled in the industry.
Our chiller plant automation software is
fully pre-engineered and tested. It is a
standard software application, not
custom programming which can prove
to be difficult to support, maintain, and
Energy Efficiency
Trane chiller plant automation
intelligently sequences starting of
chillers to optimize the overall chiller
plant energy efficiency. Individual chillers
are designated to operate as base, peak,
or swing based on capacity and
efficiency. Sophisticated software
automatically determines which chiller
to run in response to current conditions.
The software also automatically rotates
individual chiller operation to equalize
runtime and wear between chillers.
Trane chiller plant automation enables
unique energy-saving strategies. An
example is controlling pumps, and
chillers from the perspective of overall
system energy consumption. The
software intelligently evaluates and
selects the lowest energy consumption