Data — 60 HZ
Table PD-18— Part Load Data, ARI Points (10-60 Tons)
Entering Condenser Air Temperature (Degrees F)
Model 95 86.9 84.5 77.7 77.3 72.5 72.3 71.5
Tons Number 100% Load 86% Load 82% Load 71% Load 70% Load 62% Load 62% Load 61% Load
EER 10.0 ———————
10 CGA 120
Capacity (Tons) 8.7 ———————
KW Input 10.5 ———————
EER 9.6 ———————
15 CGA 180 Capacity (Tons) 13.6 ———————
KW Input 16.9 ———————
EER 9.8 ——————15.2
20 CGAF-C20 Capacity (Tons) 17.7 ——————10.7
KW Input 21.6 ——————8.5
EER 9.8 —— —13.8 —— —
25 CGAF-C25 Capacity (Tons) 23.1 —— —16.3 —— —
KW Input 28.3 —— —14.2 —— —
EER 9.8 ——————14.2
30 CGAF-C30 Capacity (Tons) 28.0 ——————17.0
KW Input 34.3 ——————14.4
EER 9.7 — 11.9 ———15.1 —
40 CGAF-C40 Capacity (Tons) 34.5 — 28.4 ———21.4 —
KW Input 42.7 — 28.6 ———17.1 —
EER 9.7 11.3 — 13.5 ————
50 CGAF-C50 Capacity (Tons) 43.0 37.2 — 30.6 ————
KW Input 53.2 39.4 — 27.2 ————
EER 9.7 — 11.9 ——15.2 ——
60 CGAF-C60 Capacity (Tons) 55.4 — 45.7 ——34.6 ——
KW Input 68.6 — 45.9 ——27.3 ——
Table PD-18 Continued — Part Load Data, ARI Points (10-60 Tons) Continued
Entering Condenser Air Temperature (Degrees F)
Model 66.2 65.3 57.4 55
Tons Number 52% Load 51% Load 37% Load 32% Load
EER 13.5 —— —
10 CGA 120 Capacity (Tons) 4.6 —— —
KW Input 4.1 —— —
EER 13.5 —— —
15 CGA 180 Capacity (Tons) 7.1 —— —
KW Input 6.2 —— —
EER ————
20 CGAF-C20 Capacity (Tons) ————
KW Input ————
EER — 15.3 ——
25 CGAF-C25 Capacity (Tons) — 11 . 7 ——
KW Input — 9.1 ——
EER ———
30 CGAF-C30 Capacity (Tons) ———
KW Input ———
EER 14.8 ——17.6
40 CGAF-C40 Capacity (Tons) 20.7 ——10.9
KW Input 16.8 —— 7. 4
EER ——17.0 —
50 CGAF-C50 Capacity (Tons) ——15.9 —
KW Input ——11.2 —
EER ———18.3
60 CGAF-C60 Capacity (Tons) ———17.8
KW Input ———11.7
(10–60 Ton)
Part Load
1. Rated in accordance with ARI Standard 550/590-98
- 44 Degrees leaving chilled water temperature
- Constant Evaporator waterflow as determined at full load operation, 95 F ambient, and 10F evaporator temperature drop.
- Entering ambient temperature based on 55F for loads below 33%
- Entering ambient temperature based on 0.60(%load)+35 for loads above 33%
- EER- Energy Efficiency Ratio ( Btu/Watt-hour). Power inputs include compressor, condenser fans and control power.
2. Single phase CGA120B1 model should be re-rated at all operating points using the following factors: 1.08 x KW, 0.92 x EER