Features and
Previous Trane chiller controllers
included a user interface that presented
all chiller data necessary for both daily
tasks and service or maintenance tasks.
The amount of information presented
on a limited display made a number of
tasks difficult. A service technician’s
ability to assess and resolve chiller
problems was hampered by the limited
presentation of multiple pieces of
chiller information.
The Tracer chiller controller adds a level
of sophistication better served by a PC
application that improves service
technician effectiveness and minimizes
chiller downtime. The Tracer chiller
controller provides a user interface and
main processor, DynaView, that is
intended to serve only typical daily
tasks. The portable, PC-based service
tool software, TechView, supports
service and maintenance tasks.
The Tracer chiller controller will be
gradually applied to all Trane chillers.
TechView will then serve as a common
interface to all Trane chillers, and will
customize itself based on the
properties of the chiller with which it is
communicating. Thus, the service
technician learns only one service
The panel bus is easy to troubleshoot,
using LED verification of sensors. Only
the defective device is replaced.
Captive screws ensure that the
appropriate mounting hardware is
available. TechView can communicate
with individual devices or groups of
Tech Vie w
All chiller status, machine configuration
settings, customizable limits, and up to
60 active or historic diagnostics are
displayed through the service-tool
software interface. Any PC that meets
the system requirements may
download the service interface
software and DynaView updates from
Trane’s Web site at www.trane.com.
TechView is designed to run on a
customer’s laptop, which connects to
DynaView with a serial cable.
DynaView’s serial port is located
behind a sliding door on the bottom of
the DynaView enclosure. It uses a
standard 9-pin male and 9-pin female
RS-232 cable.
Hardware requirements for TechView:
• Pentium II, III, or higher processor
• 128 MB RAM
• 1024 x 768 resolution
• 56K modem
• 9-pin RS232 serial connection
• Windows
95, 98, 2000