36 18-CD22D1-8
Installer’s Guide
If the furnace shuts down, one thing that can be
checked is the burner box temperature limit switch.
It is located on the bottom of the burner box. The
vent and combustion air inlet terminations should
be checked for blockage. If blockage exists, clear
the problem and then the reset button may be de-
pressed. If there is no blockage of the terminations,
the limit switch must be reset by a qualified
Carbon monoxide, fire or smoke can cause serious
bodily injury, death, and/ or property damage.
A variety of potential sources of carbon monoxide can be
found in a building or dwelling such as gas-fired clothes
dryers, gas cooking stoves, water heaters, furnaces and
fireplaces. The U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commis-
sion recommends that users of gas-burning appliances
install carbon monoxide detectors as well as fire and
smoke detectors per the manufacturers installation in-
structions to help alert dwelling occupants of the pres-
ence of fire, smoke or unsafe levels of carbon monoxide.
These devises should be listed by Underwriters Labora-
tories, Inc. Standards for Single and Multiple Station
Carbon Monoxide Alarms, UL 2034 or CSA Interna-
tional Standard, Residential Carbon Monoxide Alarming
Devices, CSA 6.19.
The manufacturer of your furnace does not test any de-
tectors and makes no representations regarding any
brand or type of detector.