
General Data
Model 11S
SI Units
Table PD-4 Copper/Aluminum Elements Watts/Meter
11S Rating Hot Water (Ave.)
Copper/Aluminum Elements Encl. 102°C 104°C99°C93°C88°C82°C77°C71°C66°C60°C54°C
Tube Fin Size Fins/ Fin Mtg.(2) Factor Factor
Size Millimeters Meter Thickness Height 1.00 1.05 0.95 0.86 0.78 0.69 0.61 0.53 0.45 0.40 0.33
19 mm 57 x 64 164 0.28 mm 362 mm 1040 1090 990 890 810 720 630 550 470 415 340
19 mm 70 x 64 180 0.28 mm 362 mm 1095 1150 1035 940 855 755 665 580 495 435 360
*19 mm 70 x 95 164 0.28 mm 362 mm 1125 1175 1065 970 880 775 685 595 510 445 370
25 mm 70 x 64 180 0.28 mm 362 mm 1050 1100 995 900 815 725 640 550 470 415 345
25 mm 70 x 95 164 0.28 mm 362 mm 1085 1140 1035 930 845 750 665 575 490 430 355
25 mm 70 x 127 131 0.51 mm 362 mm 1155 1210 1045 990 900 800 700 605 520 460 380
*25 mm 70 x 127 164 0.51 mm 362 mm 1165 1220 1105 1000 910 800 710 620 525 465 385
32 mm 70 x 95 164 0.51 mm 362 mm 1105 1165 1050 950 860 765 670 585 495 440 365
*32 mm 70 x 127 131 0.51 mm 362 mm 1105 1165 1050 950 860 765 670 585 495 440 365
32 mm 70 x 127 164 0.51 mm 362 mm 1180 1240 1125 1020 920 815 720 630 535 470 390
1. * I=B=R Rating on assemblies as marked.
2. Mounting height is the dimension from the floor to the center of the outlet grille to obtain listed capacities.
3. Two-tier applications can only be used with the 19 mm and 25 mm CA elements with 70 x 64 mm size fins.
Table PD-5 Steel Tube/Fin Elements Watts/Meter
11S Rating Hot Water (Ave.)
teel Tube/Fin Elements Encl. 102°C 104°C99°C93°C88°C82°C77°C71°C66°C60°C54°C
Tube Fin Size Fins/ Fin Mtg.(2) Factor Factor
Size Millimeters Meter Thickness Height 1.00 1.05 0.95 0.86 0.78 0.69 0.61 0.53 0.45 0.40 0.33
*25 mm 70 x 95 131 0.61 mm 362 mm 875 920 830 755 680 605 535 465 395 350 290
25 mm 70 x 127 131 0.61 mm 362 mm 875 920 830 755 680 605 535 465 395 350 290
32 mm 70 x 127 131 0.61 mm 362 mm 895 935 850 770 695 600 545 475 405 355 295
1. * I=B=R Rating on assemblies as marked.
2. Mounting height is the dimension from the floor to the center of the outlet grille to obtain listed capacities.
Table PD-6 Copper/Aluminum Elements Watts/Meter Two Tiers
Rating Hot Water (Ave.)
Copper/Aluminum Elements Encl. 102°C 104°C99°C93°C88°C82°C77°C71°C66°C60°C54°C
Tube Fin Size Fins/ Fin Mtg.(2) Factor Factor
Size Millimeters Meter Thickness Height 1.00 1.05 0.95 0.86 0.78 0.69 0.61 0.53 0.45 0.40 0.33
19 mm 70 x 64 180 0.28 mm 362 mm 1500 1580 1420 1290 1170 1040 910 800 670 600 490
25 mm 70 x 64 180 0.28 mm 362 mm 1540 1610 1460 1330 1200 1060 940 820 690 620 510
1. Mounting height is the dimension from the floor to the center of the outlet grille to obtain listed capacities.
2. Capacities based on two tiers of element mounted on 3
/2 (89 mm) centers.