Connecting a
Water Regulating Valve
The water regulating valve assembly
is shipped as a separate item. Connec-
tions from the valve assembly to the
unit must be made by the installing
IMPORTANT: These valves are not
positive shut-off devices. Use a slow-
closing solenoid valve in the heat
pump’s leaving water line to assure
positive shut-off in variable-pump-
ing applications.
Installation for
Single Compressor Units
(1) Connect the MPT connection on
the valve assembly to the unit water
out FPT connection. Note: A field sup-
plied union or elbow may be required
to connect the water regulating valve
assembly to the unit. All field supplied
fittings should be brass or copper.
(2) Connect the valve depressor with a
1/4" (6.35 mm) flare nut to the 1/4"
(6.35 mm) schrader tap on the unit.
Note: The pressure-sensing lines from
both regulators have been "tee’d" to-
(3) Adjust the regulator head pressure
to meet specified conditions. See
Table 4.
Table 4: Typical water regulating valve
operating pressures
Water Temp
Entering WSHP
Cooling Cycle
80F Return Air
Heating Cycle
70F Return-Air
45 F
160 psig
46-54 psig
50 F
160 psig
52-60 psig
55 F
160 psig
56-66 psig
60 F 166-190 psig 60-72 psig
65 F 178-204 psig 62-74 psig
Note: If the unit has not been ordered
with a water regulating tap, and the
tap is field installed, it is important the
tap be made on the copper tube be-
tween the reversing valve and the wa-
ter-to-refrigerant heat exchanger. This
is the only part of the heat pump re-
frigerant circuit that serves as both a
discharge line during the cooling cy-
cle, and a suction line during the heat-
ing cycle. To avoid shavings, particles
and dirt from entering the system, it is
recommended that the 1/4" (6.35 mm)
hole be burned in the copper vs.
drilled in the copper.
Installation for
Multiple Compressor Units
A water regulating schrader option is
not available factory shipped on the
12 1/2 through 25 ton units. All prepa-
rations for the acceptance of a water
regulating valve assembly must be
made in the field.
Water regulating valves are most com-
monly applied with vapor-cycle refrigera-
tion systems that use capillary tube
metering devices to maintain suitable
head or suction pressure levels for proper
compressor loading. They are seldom ap-
plied when thermal expansion valves
(TXV’s) are used.