Features and
Reference or Comparative Enthalpy
Measures and communicates humidity
while maximizing comfort control.
Sloped Drain Pans
Standard on every unit.
Standardized Components
Components are placed in the same
location on all Voyager units. Familiarize
yourself with one Voyager and you are
familiar with every Voyager.
Due to standardized components
throughout the Voyager line, contractors/
owners can stock fewer parts.
Supply and/or Return Air Smoke
With this option installed, if smoke is
detected, all unit
operation will be shut
down. Reset will be
manual at the unit.
Return Air Smoke
Detectors require
minimum allowable
airflow when used
with certain models.
Tool-less Hail Guards
Tool-less, hail
protection quality coil
guards shall be either
factory or field-installed for condenser
coil protection. This option protects the
condenser coil from vandalism and/or
hail damage.
Trane Communication Interface (TCI)
Available factory or field installed. This
module when applied with the ReliaTel™
easily interfaces with Trane’s Integrated
When Trane’s changeover VAV System
for light commercial applications is
coupled with Voyager, it provides the
latest in technological advances for
comfort management systems and can
allow thermostat control in every zone
served by VariTrac.
Ventilation Override Accessory
With the Ventilation Override Accessory
installed, the unit can be set to transition
to up to 3 different pre-programmed
sequences for Smoke Purge,
Pressurization, and Exhaust. The
transition occurs when a binary input on
the RTOM is closed (shorted). This would
typically be a hard wired relay output
from a smoke detector or fire control
panel. The ventilation override kit is
available as a field installed accessory.
Zone Sensors
Available in programmable, automatic
and manual styles.
Rigorous Testing
The fan and idler arm assembly designs
have been tested to over 300,000 cycles
each. Our combined cycle testing is now
over 7,000,000 cycles.
All of Voyager’s designs were rigorously
rain tested at the factory to ensure water
Actual shipping tests were performed to
determine packaging requirements. Units
were test shipped around the country to
determine the best packaging. Factory
shake and drop tests were used as part
of the package design process to help
assure that the unit arrives at the job site
in top condition.
Rigging tests include lifting a unit into the
air and letting it drop one foot, assuring
that the lifting lugs and rails hold up under
We perform a 100% coil leak test at the
factory. The evaporator and condenser
coils are leak tested at 200 psig and
pressure tested to 450 psig.
All parts are inspected at the point of final
assembly. Sub-standard parts are
identified and rejected immediately.
Every unit receives a 100% unit run test
before leaving the production line to
make sure it lives up to rigorous Trane
Voyager units incorporate either a one
piece top or the Trane-Tite-Top (T
). Each
part of the top (either two or three pieces)
overlaps in such a way that water cannot
leak into the unit. These overlapped edges
are gasketed and sealed to ensure
superior water integrity.